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شبکه گیاهی ایران

گیاه: Ephedraceae| Ephedra ciliata| اورمک، ریش بز

Ephedra ciliata Fisch. & C.A.Mey.
Joint fir
اورمک، ریش بز

اطلاعات سایت GBIF

نام علمی Ephedra ciliata Fisch. & C.A.Mey.
وضعیت نام گونه Accepted/پذیرفته شده
مترادف نام این گونه مورد تایید است.
فرمانرو Plantae
شاخه Tracheophyta
رده Gnetopsida
راسته Ephedrales
تیره Ephedraceae
سرده Ephedra
گونه مورد تایید Ephedra ciliata
نقشه پراکنش در ایران نقشه

Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew

Ephedra ciliata
Fisch. & C.A.Mey. Ephedra ciliata
این گونه مورد تایید است.
Ephedra ciliata
Ephedra ciliata

گونه های مترادف گزارش شده در سایت GBIF

منتشر شده در وضعیت نام گونه نام گونه
Mém. Acad. Imp. Sci. Saint-Pétersbourg, Sér. 6, Sci. Math., Seconde Pt. Sci. Nat بیشتر ... Synonym/مترادف Ephedra foliata Boiss. ex C.A.Mey.
Trudy Imp. S.-Peterburgsk. Bot. Sada, prepr. 6: 479 (1879) Synonym/مترادف Ephedra kokanica Regel
Fl. Iranica, Ephedrac.: 3 (1963) Synonym/مترادف Ephedra ciliata var. polylepis (Boiss. & Hausskn.) Riedl
P.E.Boissier, Fl. Orient. 5: 716 (1884) Synonym/مترادف Ephedra polylepis Boiss. & Hausskn.
Fl. Tadzhiksk. S.S.R. 1: 503 (1957) Synonym/مترادف Ephedra aitchisonii (Stapf) V.A.Nikitin
Denkschr. Kaiserl. Akad. Wiss., Wien. Math.-Naturwiss. Kl. 56(2): 50 (1889) Synonym/مترادف Ephedra foliata var. aitchisonii Stapf
Aitchison JET (1882) On the Flora of the Kuram Valley, &c., Afghanistan.-Part II بیشتر ... Synonym/مترادف Ephedra ciliata Aitch.
Denkschr. Kaiserl. Akad. Wiss., Wien. Math.-Naturwiss. Kl. 56(2): 50 (1889) Synonym/مترادف Ephedra foliata var. polylepis (Boiss. & Hausskn.) Stapf
Itin. Pl. Khasyah Mts.: 340 (1848) Synonym/مترادف Ephedra asparagoides Griff.
Denkschr. Kaiserl. Akad. Wiss., Wien. Math.-Naturwiss. Kl. 56(2): 49 (1889) Synonym/مترادف Ephedra foliata var. ciliata (Fisch. & C.A.Mey.) Stapf
Fl. Orient. 5: 717 (1884) Synonym/مترادف Ephedra peduncularis Boiss.
Bull. Soc. Hist. Nat. Afrique N. 27: 269 (1936) Synonym/مترادف Ephedra rollandii Maire
P. E. Boissier, Diagn. pl. orient. ser. 1, 7:101. 1846 Synonym/مترادف Ephedra foliata Boiss. & Kotschy
Forest Fl. N.W. India: 501 (1874) Synonym/مترادف Ephedra alte Brandis
Bull. Cl. Phys.-Math. Acad. Imp. Sci. Saint-Pétersbourg 5: 35 (1845) Synonym/مترادف Ephedra alte C.A.Mey.
Synonym/مترادف Ephedra foliata subsp. aitchisonii Stapf

Plants Gene

Gene ID type Description Chromosomes Genomic Accession Version
trnK-UUU tRNA tRNA-Lys Plastid: chloroplast NC_065608.1
psbH PROTEIN_CODING photosystem II 10 kDa phosphoprotein Plastid: chloroplast NC_065608.1
rpl16 PROTEIN_CODING ribosomal protein L16 Plastid: chloroplast NC_065608.1
rpl14 PROTEIN_CODING ribosomal protein L14 Plastid: chloroplast NC_065608.1
rps8 PROTEIN_CODING ribosomal protein S8 Plastid: chloroplast NC_065608.1
infA PROTEIN_CODING translation initiation factor 1 Plastid: chloroplast NC_065608.1
rpl36 PROTEIN_CODING ribosomal protein L36 Plastid: chloroplast NC_065608.1
rps11 PROTEIN_CODING ribosomal protein S11 Plastid: chloroplast NC_065608.1
rpoA PROTEIN_CODING RNA polymerase alpha subunit Plastid: chloroplast NC_065608.1
petD PROTEIN_CODING cytochrome b6/f complex subunit IV Plastid: chloroplast NC_065608.1
petB PROTEIN_CODING cytochrome b6 Plastid: chloroplast NC_065608.1
psbN PROTEIN_CODING photosystem II protein N Plastid: chloroplast NC_065608.1
rpl22 PROTEIN_CODING ribosomal protein L22 Plastid: chloroplast NC_065608.1
psbT PROTEIN_CODING photosystem II protein T Plastid: chloroplast NC_065608.1
psbB PROTEIN_CODING photosystem II 47 kDa protein Plastid: chloroplast NC_065608.1
psbA PROTEIN_CODING photosystem II protein D1 Plastid: chloroplast NC_065608.1
clpP PROTEIN_CODING ATP-dependent Clp protease proteolytic subunit Plastid: chloroplast NC_065608.1
rpl20 PROTEIN_CODING ribosomal protein L20 Plastid: chloroplast NC_065608.1
rps18 PROTEIN_CODING ribosomal protein S18 Plastid: chloroplast NC_065608.1
rpl33 PROTEIN_CODING ribosomal protein L33 Plastid: chloroplast NC_065608.1
psaJ PROTEIN_CODING photosystem I subunit IX Plastid: chloroplast NC_065608.1
trnP tRNA tRNA-Pro Plastid: chloroplast NC_065608.1
trnW-CCA tRNA tRNA-Trp Plastid: chloroplast NC_065608.1
rps3 PROTEIN_CODING ribosomal protein S3 Plastid: chloroplast NC_065608.1
rps19 PROTEIN_CODING ribosomal protein S19 Plastid: chloroplast NC_065608.1
petL PROTEIN_CODING cytochrome b/f complex 3.5 kDa subunit Plastid: chloroplast NC_065608.1
rrn5 rRNA 5S ribosomal RNA Plastid: chloroplast NC_065608.1
rps12 PROTEIN_CODING ribosomal protein S12 Plastid: chloroplast NC_065608.1
ycf1 PROTEIN_CODING hypothetical protein Plastid: chloroplast NC_065608.1
trnL-AUG tRNA tRNA-Leu Plastid: chloroplast NC_065608.1
ccsA PROTEIN_CODING cytochrome c biogenesis protein Plastid: chloroplast NC_065608.1
psaC PROTEIN_CODING photosystem I subunit VII Plastid: chloroplast NC_065608.1
rps15 PROTEIN_CODING ribosomal protein S15 Plastid: chloroplast NC_065608.1
chlN PROTEIN_CODING photochlorophyllide reductase subunit N Plastid: chloroplast NC_065608.1
chlL PROTEIN_CODING photochlorophyllide reductase subunit L Plastid: chloroplast NC_065608.1
trnN-GUU tRNA tRNA-Asn Plastid: chloroplast NC_065608.1
trnR-ACG tRNA tRNA-Arg Plastid: chloroplast NC_065608.1
rrn4.5 rRNA 4.5S ribosomal RNA Plastid: chloroplast NC_065608.1
rpl2 PROTEIN_CODING ribosomal protein L2 Plastid: chloroplast NC_065608.1
rrn23 rRNA 23S ribosomal RNA Plastid: chloroplast NC_065608.1
trnA-UGC tRNA tRNA-Ala Plastid: chloroplast NC_065608.1
trnI-GAU tRNA tRNA-Ile Plastid: chloroplast NC_065608.1
rrn16 rRNA 16S ribosomal RNA Plastid: chloroplast NC_065608.1
trnV-GAC tRNA tRNA-Val Plastid: chloroplast NC_065608.1
rps7 PROTEIN_CODING ribosomal protein S7 Plastid: chloroplast NC_065608.1
trnL-CAA tRNA tRNA-Leu Plastid: chloroplast NC_065608.1
ycf2 PROTEIN_CODING hypothetical protein Plastid: chloroplast NC_065608.1
trnH-GUG tRNA tRNA-His Plastid: chloroplast NC_065608.1
trnI-CAU tRNA tRNA-Ile Plastid: chloroplast NC_065608.1
petG PROTEIN_CODING cytochrome b6/f complex subunit V Plastid: chloroplast NC_065608.1