دیدن زیبایی و لذت دانستن از گیاهان ایران زمین

باشگاه شبکه گیاهی ایران

شبکه گیاهی ایران

گیاه: Asteraceae| Artemisia absinthium| افسنطین

Artemisia absinthium L.
common wormwood, absinthium, mader-wort, mingwort, mugwort

اطلاعات سایت GBIF

نام علمی Artemisia absinthium L.
وضعیت نام گونه Accepted/پذیرفته شده
مترادف نام این گونه مورد تایید است.
فرمانرو Plantae
شاخه Tracheophyta
رده Magnoliopsida
راسته Asterales
تیره Asteraceae
سرده Artemisia
گونه مورد تایید Artemisia absinthium
نقشه پراکنش در ایران نقشه

Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew

Artemisia absinthium
L. Artemisia absinthium
این گونه مورد تایید است.
Artemisia absinthium
Artemisia absinthium

گونه های مترادف گزارش شده در سایت GBIF

منتشر شده در وضعیت نام گونه نام گونه
Salisb. (1796). In: Prodr. Stirp. Chap. Allerton 191, Nom. Superfl. Heterotypic synonym/مترادف هتروتیپی Artemisia pendula Salisb.
Mill. (1768). In: Gard. Dict. Ed. VIII. N. 16. Heterotypic synonym/مترادف هتروتیپی Artemisia inodora Mill.
Gilib. (1782). In: Fl. Lit. Inch. 1: 174, Opus Utique Oppr. Synonym/مترادف Absinthium bipedale Gilib.
Chiov. (1912). In: Monogr. Ropp. Colon., Roma (Etiopia: Osserv. Bot. Agrar. Indu بیشتر ... Synonym/مترادف Artemisia rehan Chiov.
St.-Lag. (1880). In: Ann. Soc. Bot. Lyon 7: 119, Orth. Var. Synonym/مترادف Artemisia absinthia St.-Lag.
Royle. (1838). In: Ill. Bot. Himal. Mts. 1: 250, Nom. Nud. Synonym/مترادف Artemisia doonense Royle
Lam. (1779). In: Fl. Franc. 2: 45. Heterotypic synonym/مترادف هتروتیپی Absinthium vulgare Lam.
Degen. (1908). In: Magyar Bot. Lapok 7: 102. Synonym/مترادف Artemisia baldaccii Degen
Garsault. (1764). In: Fig. Pl. Méd. 2: T. 121, Nom. Inval. Synonym/مترادف Absinthium majus Garsault
Brot. (1804). In: Fl. Lusit. 1: 357, Nom. Superfl. Synonym/مترادف Absinthium officinale Brot.
Boiss. & Buhse. (1860). In: Nouv. Mém. Soc. Imp. Naturalistes Moscou 12: 120. Synonym/مترادف Artemisia kulbadica Boiss. & Buhse
Stechm. (1775). In: Artemis.: 16. Synonym/مترادف Artemisia absinthium var. insipida Stechm.
Synonym/مترادف Artemisia absinthium var. absinthium
Synonym/مترادف Artemisia absinthium var. inspida Stechm.
Chiov. (1932). In: L. A. Di Savoia-Aosta, Esplor. Uabi-Uebi Scebeli: 417. Synonym/مترادف Artemisia arborescens f. rehan (Chiov.) Chiov.
Chiov. (1932). In: L. A. Di Savoia-Aosta, Esplor. Uabi-Uebi Scebeli: 417. Synonym/مترادف Artemisia arborescens var. cupaniana Chiov.
Brügger. (n.d.). In: Jahresber. Naturf. Ges. Graubündens, n.f. 29: 120 (1884-188 بیشتر ... Synonym/مترادف Artemisia rhaetica Brügger
Werner Christ. (1922). In: J. A. Christ. & al., 229. Synonym/مترادف Artemisia absinthium f. contracta Werner Christ.
Aspegren ex Svanlund. (1886). In: Bot. Notiser 1886: 14. Synonym/مترادف Artemisia absinthium var. argentea Aspegren ex Svanlund
Homotypic synonym/مترادف همتایپی Artemisia absinthium var. argentea Aspegren
Neuman. (1901). In: Sver. Fl.: 19. Synonym/مترادف Artemisia absinthium f. argentea (Aspegren ex Svanlund) Neuman

Plants Gene

Gene ID type Description Chromosomes Genomic Accession Version
rpl22 PROTEIN_CODING ribosomal protein L22 Plastid: chloroplast NC_066024.1
rpl23 PROTEIN_CODING ribosomal protein L23 Plastid: chloroplast NC_066024.1
rrn5 rRNA 5S ribosomal RNA Plastid: chloroplast NC_066024.1
rrn4.5 rRNA 4.5S ribosomal RNA Plastid: chloroplast NC_066024.1
rrn23 rRNA 23S ribosomal RNA Plastid: chloroplast NC_066024.1
trnA-UGC tRNA tRNA-Ala Plastid: chloroplast NC_066024.1
trnI-GAU tRNA tRNA-Ile Plastid: chloroplast NC_066024.1
rrn16 rRNA 16S ribosomal RNA Plastid: chloroplast NC_066024.1
trnV-GAC tRNA tRNA-Val Plastid: chloroplast NC_066024.1
ycf15 PROTEIN_CODING Ycf15 protein Plastid: chloroplast NC_066024.1
rps7 PROTEIN_CODING ribosomal protein S7 Plastid: chloroplast NC_066024.1
ndhB PROTEIN_CODING NADH dehydrogenase subunit B Plastid: chloroplast NC_066024.1
trnL-CAA tRNA tRNA-Leu Plastid: chloroplast NC_066024.1
ycf2 PROTEIN_CODING Ycf2 protein Plastid: chloroplast NC_066024.1
trnI-CAU tRNA tRNA-Ile Plastid: chloroplast NC_066024.1
rpl2 PROTEIN_CODING ribosomal protein L2 Plastid: chloroplast NC_066024.1
trnN-GUU tRNA tRNA-Asn Plastid: chloroplast NC_066024.1
trnH-GUG tRNA tRNA-His Plastid: chloroplast NC_066024.1
psbA PROTEIN_CODING photosystem II protein D1 Plastid: chloroplast NC_066024.1
matK PROTEIN_CODING maturase K Plastid: chloroplast NC_066024.1
trnK-UUU tRNA tRNA-Lys Plastid: chloroplast NC_066024.1
rps16 PROTEIN_CODING ribosomal protein S16 Plastid: chloroplast NC_066024.1
trnQ-UUG tRNA tRNA-Gln Plastid: chloroplast NC_066024.1
psbK PROTEIN_CODING photosystem II subunit K Plastid: chloroplast NC_066024.1
psbI PROTEIN_CODING photosystem II subunit I Plastid: chloroplast NC_066024.1
trnS-GCU tRNA tRNA-Ser Plastid: chloroplast NC_066024.1
trnC-GCA tRNA tRNA-Cys Plastid: chloroplast NC_066024.1
petN PROTEIN_CODING cytochrome b6/f subunit N Plastid: chloroplast NC_066024.1
psbM PROTEIN_CODING photosystem II subunit M Plastid: chloroplast NC_066024.1
trnD-GUC tRNA tRNA-Asp Plastid: chloroplast NC_066024.1
trnY-GUA tRNA tRNA-Tyr Plastid: chloroplast NC_066024.1
trnR-ACG tRNA tRNA-Arg Plastid: chloroplast NC_066024.1
ycf1 PROTEIN_CODING Ycf1 protein Plastid: chloroplast NC_066024.1
rpoB PROTEIN_CODING RNA polymerase beta subunit Plastid: chloroplast NC_066024.1
rrn4.5 rRNA 4.5S ribosomal RNA Plastid: chloroplast NC_066024.1
rps19 PROTEIN_CODING ribosomal protein S19 Plastid: chloroplast NC_066024.1
rpl2 PROTEIN_CODING ribosomal protein L2 Plastid: chloroplast NC_066024.1
rpl23 PROTEIN_CODING ribosomal protein L23 Plastid: chloroplast NC_066024.1
trnI-CAU tRNA tRNA-Ile Plastid: chloroplast NC_066024.1
ycf2 PROTEIN_CODING Ycf2 protein Plastid: chloroplast NC_066024.1
trnL-CAA tRNA tRNA-Leu Plastid: chloroplast NC_066024.1
ndhB PROTEIN_CODING NADH dehydrogenase subunit B Plastid: chloroplast NC_066024.1
rps7 PROTEIN_CODING ribosomal protein S7 Plastid: chloroplast NC_066024.1
ycf15 PROTEIN_CODING Ycf15 protein Plastid: chloroplast NC_066024.1
trnV-GAC tRNA tRNA-Val Plastid: chloroplast NC_066024.1
rrn16 rRNA 16S ribosomal RNA Plastid: chloroplast NC_066024.1
trnI-GAU tRNA tRNA-Ile Plastid: chloroplast NC_066024.1
trnA-UGC tRNA tRNA-Ala Plastid: chloroplast NC_066024.1
rrn23 rRNA 23S ribosomal RNA Plastid: chloroplast NC_066024.1
rrn5 rRNA 5S ribosomal RNA Plastid: chloroplast NC_066024.1


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