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باشگاه شبکه گیاهی ایران

شبکه گیاهی ایران

گیاه: Malvaceae| Hibiscus trionum| ختمی سه رنگ، بستان گلی، گل یک ساعته

Hibiscus trionum L.
ختمی سه رنگ، بستان گلی، گل یک ساعته

اطلاعات سایت GBIF

نام علمی Hibiscus trionum L.
وضعیت نام گونه Accepted/پذیرفته شده
مترادف نام این گونه مورد تایید است.
فرمانرو Plantae
شاخه Tracheophyta
رده Magnoliopsida
راسته Malvales
تیره Malvaceae
سرده Hibiscus
گونه مورد تایید Hibiscus trionum
نقشه پراکنش در ایران نقشه

Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew

Hibiscus trionum
L. Hibiscus trionum
این گونه مورد تایید است.
Hibiscus trionum L.
Hibiscus trionum L.

گونه های مترادف گزارش شده در سایت GBIF

منتشر شده در وضعیت نام گونه نام گونه
Wooton, Standl. (1915). In: Contrib. US. Nat. Herb. 19: 417, Nom. Inval. Synonym/مترادف Trionum trionum (L.) Wooton & Standl.
Medik. (1787). In: Malvenfam. 47. Synonym/مترادف Trionum annuum Medik.
Moench. (1802). In: Suppl. Meth. (Moench) 202. Synonym/مترادف Trionum cordifolium Moench
Moench. (1794). In: Methodus (Moench) 618. Synonym/مترادف Trionum diffusum Moench
Medik. (1787). In: Malv. 47. Synonym/مترادف Trionum frutescens Medik.
E. Mey. ex Harv. & Sond. (1860). In: Fl. Cap. 1: 176. Synonym/مترادف Hibiscus physodes E.Mey. ex Harv. & Sond.
Raf. ex S. Watson. (1878). In: Bibl. Index N. Amer. Bot.: 135. Synonym/مترادف Hibiscus pallidus Raf. ex S.Watson
Fisch. & C. A. Mey. (1843). In: Index Seminum (LE, Petropolitanus) 9: 76. Synonym/مترادف Hibiscus marchallianus Fisch. & C.A.Mey.
Schrank ex Colla. (1826). In: Hortus Ripul., App. 2: 349. Synonym/مترادف Hibiscus humboldtii Schrank ex Colla
E. Mey. ex Harv. & Sond. (1860). In: Fl. Cap. 1: 176. Synonym/مترادف Hibiscus hastifolius E.Mey. ex Harv. & Sond.
Wall. (1831). In: Numer. List: No. 2696, Nom. Inval. Synonym/مترادف Hibiscus dissectus Wall.
Nutt. ex Torr. & A. Gray. (1838). In: Fl. N. Amer. (Torr. & A. Gray) 1: 237. Synonym/مترادف Hibiscus collinsianus Nutt. ex Torr. & A.Gray
Willd. (n.d.). In: Sp. Pl., Ed. 4. Heterotypic synonym/مترادف هتروتیپی Laguna ternata (Cav.) Willd.
Scop. (1771). In: Fl. Carniol., Ed. 2, 2: 44. Synonym/مترادف Ketmia trionum (L.) Scop.
Bouché. (1840). In: Allg. Gartenzeitung 8: 403. Synonym/مترادف Hibiscus armeniacus Bouché
Mill. (1868). In: Gard. Dict. (Ed. 8) Hib. Synonym/مترادف Hibiscus africanus Mill.
Cav. (1787). In: Diss. 3, Tertia Diss. Bot. 171 (T. 64, Fig. 2). Synonym/مترادف Hibiscus vesicarius Cav.
E. Mey. ex Harv. (1860). In: Harv. Et al., Fl. Cap. 1: 176. Synonym/مترادف Hibiscus uniflorus E.Mey. ex Harv.
Hochr. (1900). In: Annuaire Conserv. Jard. Bot. Genève 4: 145. Synonym/مترادف Hibiscus trionum var. vesicarius (Cav.) Hochr.
DC. (1824). In: Prodr. 1: 453. Synonym/مترادف Hibiscus trionum var. cordifolius DC.
St.-Lag. (1880). In: Ann. Soc. Bot. Lyon 7: 127. Synonym/مترادف Hibiscus trionicus St.-Lag.
Diss. 3: 172 (1787) Synonym/مترادف Hibiscus ternatus Cav.
Alph. Wood. (1861). In: Class-Book Bot., Ed. 2b: 271. Synonym/مترادف Abelmoschus collinsianus (Nutt. ex Torr. & A.Gray) Alph.Wood
Fisch. & C. A. Mey. (1840). In: Index Seminum (LE, Petropolitanus) 6: 52. Synonym/مترادف Hibiscus humboldtii Fisch. & C.A.Mey.
DC. (1824). In: Prodr. 1: 453. Synonym/مترادف Hibiscus trionum var. ternatus DC.
Cav. (1788). In: Diss. 5, Quinta Diss. Bot. 279 (T. 136, F. 2). Synonym/مترادف Solandra ternata Cav.
Mast. (1868). In: Oliv., Fl. Trop. Afr. 1: 206. Synonym/مترادف Hibiscus ternatus (Cav.) Mast.
Garcke. (1849). In: Bot. Zeit. 7: 852, Nom. Illeg. Heterotypic synonym/مترادف هتروتیپی Hibiscus cuneifolius Garcke
Eckl. & Zeyh. (1835). In: Enum. Pl. Afric. Austral. 38, Nom. Illeg. Heterotypic synonym/مترادف هتروتیپی Hibiscus pusillus Eckl. & Zeyh.
Mill. (1768). In: Gard. Dict. (Ed. 8) Hib, F. 2. Heterotypic synonym/مترادف هتروتیپی Hibiscus hispidus Mill.
Homotypic synonym/مترادف همتایپی Hibiscus physodes E.Mey.
Homotypic synonym/مترادف همتایپی Hibiscus pallidus Raf.
Homotypic synonym/مترادف همتایپی Hibiscus hastifolius E.Mey.
Homotypic synonym/مترادف همتایپی Hibiscus collinsianus Nutt.
Homotypic synonym/مترادف همتایپی Hibiscus uniflorus E.Mey.
Homotypic synonym/مترادف همتایپی Hibiscus humboldtii Schrank

Plants Gene

Gene ID type Description Chromosomes Genomic Accession Version
trnH-GUG tRNA tRNA-His Plastid: chloroplast NC_060636.1
rps19 PROTEIN_CODING ribosomal protein S19 Plastid: chloroplast NC_060636.1
rrn4.5 rRNA 4.5S ribosomal RNA Plastid: chloroplast NC_060636.1
rrn23 rRNA 23S ribosomal RNA Plastid: chloroplast NC_060636.1
trnA-UGC tRNA tRNA-Ala Plastid: chloroplast NC_060636.1
trnI-GAU tRNA tRNA-Glu Plastid: chloroplast NC_060636.1
rrn16 rRNA 16S ribosomal RNA Plastid: chloroplast NC_060636.1
trnV-GAC tRNA tRNA-Val Plastid: chloroplast NC_060636.1
rps7 PROTEIN_CODING ribosomal protein S7 Plastid: chloroplast NC_060636.1
ndhB PROTEIN_CODING NADH dehydrogenase subunit B Plastid: chloroplast NC_060636.1
trnL-CAA tRNA tRNA-Leu Plastid: chloroplast NC_060636.1
ycf2 PROTEIN_CODING Ycf2 protein Plastid: chloroplast NC_060636.1
trnM-CAU tRNA tRNA-Met Plastid: chloroplast NC_060636.1
rpl23 PROTEIN_CODING ribosomal protein L23 Plastid: chloroplast NC_060636.1
rpl2 PROTEIN_CODING ribosomal protein L2 Plastid: chloroplast NC_060636.1
rpl22 PROTEIN_CODING ribosomal protein L22 Plastid: chloroplast NC_060636.1
trnR-ACG tRNA tRNA-Arg Plastid: chloroplast NC_060636.1
rps3 PROTEIN_CODING ribosomal protein S3 Plastid: chloroplast NC_060636.1
rpl16 PROTEIN_CODING ribosomal protein L16 Plastid: chloroplast NC_060636.1
rpl14 PROTEIN_CODING ribosomal protein L14 Plastid: chloroplast NC_060636.1
rps8 PROTEIN_CODING ribosomal protein S8 Plastid: chloroplast NC_060636.1
infA PROTEIN_CODING translational initiation factor 1 Plastid: chloroplast NC_060636.1
rpl36 PROTEIN_CODING ribosomal protein L36 Plastid: chloroplast NC_060636.1
rps11 PROTEIN_CODING ribosomal protein S11 Plastid: chloroplast NC_060636.1
rpoA PROTEIN_CODING RNA polymerase alpha subunit Plastid: chloroplast NC_060636.1
petD PROTEIN_CODING cytochrome b6/f subunit IV Plastid: chloroplast NC_060636.1
petB PROTEIN_CODING cytochrome b6 Plastid: chloroplast NC_060636.1
psbH PROTEIN_CODING photosystem II subunit H Plastid: chloroplast NC_060636.1
pbf1 PROTEIN_CODING photosystem biogenesis factor 1 Plastid: chloroplast NC_060636.1
psbT PROTEIN_CODING photosystem II subunit T Plastid: chloroplast NC_060636.1
psbB PROTEIN_CODING photosystem II 47 kDa protein Plastid: chloroplast NC_060636.1
rrn5 rRNA 5S ribosomal RNA Plastid: chloroplast NC_060636.1
trnN-GUU tRNA tRNA-Asn Plastid: chloroplast NC_060636.1
rps12 PROTEIN_CODING ribosomal protein S12 Plastid: chloroplast NC_060636.1
rrn5 rRNA 5S ribosomal RNA Plastid: chloroplast NC_060636.1
rps12 PROTEIN_CODING ribosomal protein S12 Plastid: chloroplast NC_060636.1
rps12 PROTEIN_CODING ribosomal protein S12 Plastid: chloroplast NC_060636.1
rpl23 PROTEIN_CODING ribosomal protein L23 Plastid: chloroplast NC_060636.1
trnl-CAU tRNA tRNA-Ile Plastid: chloroplast NC_060636.1
ycf2 PROTEIN_CODING Ycf2 protein Plastid: chloroplast NC_060636.1
trnL-CAA tRNA tRNA-Leu Plastid: chloroplast NC_060636.1
ndhB PROTEIN_CODING NADH dehydrogenase subunit B Plastid: chloroplast NC_060636.1
rps7 PROTEIN_CODING ribosomal protein S7 Plastid: chloroplast NC_060636.1
trnV-GAC tRNA tRNA-Val Plastid: chloroplast NC_060636.1
rrn16 rRNA 16S ribosomal RNA Plastid: chloroplast NC_060636.1
trnL-GAU tRNA tRNA-Ile Plastid: chloroplast NC_060636.1
trnA-UGC tRNA tRNA-Ala Plastid: chloroplast NC_060636.1
rrn23 rRNA 23S ribosomal RNA Plastid: chloroplast NC_060636.1
rrn4.5 rRNA 4.5S ribosomal RNA Plastid: chloroplast NC_060636.1
trnR-ACG tRNA tRNA-Arg Plastid: chloroplast NC_060636.1


گونه ثبت شده در مستندات تعداد کروموزوم گامتیک تعداد کروموزوم سوماتیکی رویشگاه گیاه
Hibiscus trionum L. 56 Azarbaijan-W: Between Mohammad-Abad and Naghadeh, 1300 m
Hibiscus trionum L. 56 Azarbaijan-W: Between Mohammad-Abad and Naghadeh, 1300 m