دیدن زیبایی و لذت دانستن از گیاهان ایران زمین

باشگاه شبکه گیاهی ایران

شبکه گیاهی ایران

گیاه: Asteraceae| Eclipta alba| مستور سفید

Eclipta alba (L.) Hassk.
American false daisy
مستور سفید

اطلاعات سایت GBIF

نام علمی Eclipta alba (L.) Hassk.
وضعیت نام گونه Accepted/پذیرفته شده
مترادف نام این گونه مورد تایید است.
فرمانرو Plantae
شاخه Tracheophyta
رده Magnoliopsida
راسته Asterales
تیره Asteraceae
سرده Eclipta
گونه مورد تایید Eclipta alba
نقشه پراکنش در ایران نقشه

Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew

(L.) Hassk. Eclipta alba
این گونه مترادف Eclipta prostrata است.

گونه های مترادف گزارش شده در سایت GBIF

منتشر شده در وضعیت نام گونه نام گونه
Balb. ex Spreng. (1821). In: Neue Entdeck. 2: 137. Synonym/مترادف Cotula debilis Balb. ex Spreng.
Hook. & Arn. (1841). In: J. Bot. (Hooker) 3: 318. Synonym/مترادف Spilanthes wedelioides Hook. & Arn.
Steud. (1821). In: Nomencl. Bot. 1: 105, Nom. Inval. Synonym/مترادف Bellis racemosa Steud.
Kuntze. (1891). In: Revis. Gen. Pl. 1: 334. Synonym/مترادف Ecliptica alba (L.) Kuntze
Blanco. (1837). In: Fl. Filip.: 638, Nom. Illeg. Heterotypic synonym/مترادف هتروتیپی Anthemis cotula Blanco
L. (1753). In: Sp. Pl. 2: 902. Synonym/مترادف Verbesina alba L.
L. (1767). In: Syst. Ed. XII. 2: 564. Synonym/مترادف Cotula alba (L.) L.
Crantz. (1766). In: Inst. Rei Herb. 1: 300. Synonym/مترادف Anthemis cotula-foetida Crantz
Nyman. (1879). In: Consp. Fl. Eur.: 363. Proparte synonym Anthemis sulphurea Nyman
Phil. (1864). In: Linnaea 33: 171. Synonym/مترادف Polygyne inconspicua Phil.
L. (1753). In: Sp. Pl. 901. Synonym/مترادف Verbesina pseudoacmella L.
Poir. (1812). In: Encyc. Suppl. 2: 826. Synonym/مترادف Grangea lanceolata Poir.
Raf. (1836). In: New Fl. Am. 2: 43. Synonym/مترادف Paleista brachypoda (Michx.) Raf.
Murray. (1770). In: Prodr. Stirp. Gott.: 228. Synonym/مترادف Cotula oederi Murray
Raf. ex DC. (n.d.). In: Prodr. Synonym/مترادف Anthemis cotuloides Raf. ex DC.
DC. (n.d.). In: Prodr. Synonym/مترادف Galinsoga oblongifolia (Hook.) DC.
Sessé & Moc. (1894). In: Fl. Mexic.: 191. Synonym/مترادف Anthemis variabilis Sessé & Moc.
La Llave. (1824). In: La Llave & Lex., Nov. Veg. Descr. 1: 11. Synonym/مترادف Abasoloa taboada La Llave
Kuntze. (1891). In: Revis. Gen. Pl. 1: 360. Synonym/مترادف Ridan alba (L.) Kuntze
DC. (n.d.). In: Prodr. Synonym/مترادف Aganippea dentata DC.
Hitchc. (1893). In: Missouri Bot. Gard. Rep. 4: 99. Synonym/مترادف Eupatoriophalacron album (L.) Hitchc.
Raf. (1836). In: New Fl. Am. 2: 44. Synonym/مترادف Clipteria dichotoma Raf.
Kuntze. (1891). In: Revis. Gen. Pl.: 334. Synonym/مترادف Ecliptica alba var. parviflora (Wall. ex DC.) Kuntze
Kuntze. (1891). In: Revis. Gen. Pl. 1: 334. Synonym/مترادف Ecliptica alba var. erecta Kuntze
Forssk. (1775). In: Fl. Aegypt.-Arab.: 153, Nom. Inval. Synonym/مترادف Micrelium asteroides Forssk.
Raf. (1836). In: New Fl. Am. 2: 43. Synonym/مترادف Paleista procumbens (Michx.) Raf.
Poir. (1808). In: Lam., Encycl. 8: 459. Synonym/مترادف Verbesina pusilla Poir.
Blake, S. F. (1924). In: Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. 22: 614. Synonym/مترادف Sabazia leiachaenia S.F.Blake
Greenm. (1905). In: Proc. Amer. Acad. Arts 41: 262. Synonym/مترادف Sabazia anomala Greenm.
Spreng. (1821). In: Neue Entdeck. Pflanzenk. 2: 137. Synonym/مترادف Verbesina debilis Spreng.
Jones, M. E. (1933). In: Contr. W. Bot. 18: 70. Synonym/مترادف Eclipta pusilla M.E.Jones
L. (1771). In: Mant. 2: 286. Synonym/مترادف Eclipta punctata L.
Raf. (1836). In: New Fl. Am. 2: 41. Synonym/مترادف Eclipta tinctoria Raf.
Salisb. (1796). In: Prodr. Stirp. Chap. Allerton 205. Synonym/مترادف Eclipta strumosa Salisb.
Raf. (1817). In: Fl. Ludov.: 69. Heterotypic synonym/مترادف هتروتیپی Eclipta ciliata Raf.
L. (1771). In: Mant. Pl. 2: 286, Nom. Superfl. Synonym/مترادف Eclipta erecta L.
Presl, C. (1845). In: Abh. Königl. Böhm. Ges. Wiss., Ser. 5, 3: 535. Synonym/مترادف Eclipta angustifolia C.Presl
Vahl ex DC. (n.d.). In: Prodr. Synonym/مترادف Buphthalmum diffusum Vahl ex DC.
Raf. (1836). In: New Fl. Am. 2: 42. Synonym/مترادف Eclipta nutans Raf.
Spreng. (1826). In: Syst. Veg. Ed. 16, 3: 603. Synonym/مترادف Eclipta spicata Spreng.
Bartl. (1857). In: Index Seminum (GOET, Gottingensis) 1857: 3. Synonym/مترادف Eclipta heterophylla Bartl.
Raf. (1836). In: New Fl. Am. 2: 41. Synonym/مترادف Eclipta simplex Raf.
Steud. (1840). In: Nomencl. Bot., Ed. 2, 1: 542, Nom. Nud. Synonym/مترادف Eclipta arabica Steud.
Poepp. & Endl. (n.d.). In: Nov. Gen. Sp. Synonym/مترادف Wedelia psammophila Poepp. & Endl.
Raf. (1836). In: New Fl. Am. 2: 42. Synonym/مترادف Eclipta pumila Raf.
Raf. (1836). In: New Fl. Am. 2: 40. Synonym/مترادف Eclipta dubia Raf.
Bartl. (1839). In: Linnaea 13: Litt. 95. Synonym/مترادف Eclipta hirsuta Bartl.
Weigel. (1782). In: Hort. Gryph.: 33. Synonym/مترادف Eclipta oederi (Murray) Weigel
Michx. (1803). In: Fl. Bor. Am. 2: 129. Synonym/مترادف Eclipta procumbens Michx.
Link ex Spreng. (1826). In: Syst. Veg. Ed. 16, 3: 444. Synonym/مترادف Acmella lanceolata Link ex Spreng.
B. Heyne ex Wall. (1831). In: Numer. List: No. 3211, Nomen. Heterotypic synonym/مترادف هتروتیپی Eclipta dentata B.Heyne ex Wall.
Michx. (1803). In: Fl. Bor.-Amer. 2: 130, Nom. Superfl. Synonym/مترادف Eclipta brachypoda Michx.
Walter. (1788). In: Fl. Carol. 213. Synonym/مترادف Amellus carolinianus Walter
Raf. (1836). In: New Fl. Am. 2: 41. Synonym/مترادف Eclipta sulcata Raf.
Raf. (1836). In: New Fl. Am. 2: 41. Synonym/مترادف Eclipta flexuosa Raf.
Raf. (1836). In: New Fl. Am. 2: 42. Synonym/مترادف Eclipta dichotoma Raf.
Otto ex Sweet. (1830). In: Hort. Brit., Ed. 2: 308. Synonym/مترادف Eclipta linearis Otto ex Sweet
DC. (n.d.). In: Prodr. Synonym/مترادف Eclipta procumbens var. patula (Schrad.) DC.
Gray, A. (1848). In: Manual: 218. Synonym/مترادف Eclipta procumbens var. brachypoda (Torr. & A.Gray) A.Gray
Fisch. & C. A. Mey. (1843). In: Index Seminum (LE, Petropolitanus) 9: 72. Synonym/مترادف Eclipta longifolia var. linearis Fisch. & C.A.Mey.
Willd. ex Walp. (1843). In: Nov. Actorum Acad. Caes. Leop.-Carol. Nat. Cur. 19(S بیشتر ... Synonym/مترادف Eclipta erecta var. latifolia Willd. ex Walp.
Torr. & A. Gray. (1842). In: Fl. N. Amer. 2: 269. Synonym/مترادف Eclipta erecta var. brachypoda Torr. & A.Gray
Hassk. (1848). In: Pl. Jav. Rar.: 530. Synonym/مترادف Eclipta alba f. longifolia (Schrad.) Hassk.
Hassk. (1848). In: Pl. Jav. Rar.: 528. Synonym/مترادف Eclipta alba f. erecta (L.) Hassk.
Moench. (1802). In: Suppl. Meth. 2: 245, Nom. Superfl. Synonym/مترادف Eclipta adpressa Moench
Hook. (1831). In: Bot. Misc. 2: 226. Synonym/مترادف Wiborgia oblongifolia Hook.
Kuntze. (1891). In: Revis. Gen. Pl. 1: 326. Synonym/مترادف Ceratocephalus wedeliodes (Hook. & Arn.) Kuntze
DC. (n.d.). In: Prodr. Synonym/مترادف Maruta cotula var. lithuanica DC.
Forssk. (1775). In: Fl. Aegypt.-Arab.: 153, Nom. Inval. Synonym/مترادف Micrelium tolak Forssk.
Miq. (1856). In: Fl. Ned. Ind. 2: 66. Synonym/مترادف Eclipta alba var. parviflora (Wall. ex DC.) Miq.
DC. (n.d.). In: Prodr. Synonym/مترادف Eclipta erecta var. diffusa DC.
Schrad. (1836). In: DC. Prod. 5: 490. Synonym/مترادف Eclipta longifolia Schrad.
Baumg. (1817). In: Enum. Stirp. Transsilv. 3: 144. Proparte synonym Chamaemelum foetidum Baumg.
Bettfr. (1899). In: Fl. Argent. 2: 110. Synonym/مترادف Eclipta alba var. longifolia (Schrad.) Bettfr.
Jacq. (1760). In: Enum. Syst. Pl. 28. Heterotypic synonym/مترادف هتروتیپی Bellis ramosa Jacq.
(Moc. & Sessé). (n.d.). In: Prodr. Proparte synonym Verbesina conyzoides (Moc. & Sessé)
Miq. (1856). In: Fl. Ned. Ind. 2: 65. Synonym/مترادف Eclipta alba var. erecta (L.) Miq.
Steud. (1840). In: Nomencl. Bot., Ed. 2, 1: 542, Nom. Nud. Synonym/مترادف Eclipta marginata Steud.
J. Gay ex A. Rich. (1848). In: Tent. Fl. Abyss. 1: 418. Synonym/مترادف Anthemis abyssinica J.Gay ex A.Rich.
Endl. (1842). In: Cat. Horti Vindob. 1: 335. Proparte synonym Eclipta patula (DC.) Endl.
DC. (n.d.). In: Prodr. Synonym/مترادف Eclipta palustris DC.
Homotypic synonym/مترادف همتایپی Anthemis cotuloides Raf.
Homotypic synonym/مترادف همتایپی Eclipta dentata B.Heyne
Homotypic synonym/مترادف همتایپی Acmella lanceolata Link
Homotypic synonym/مترادف همتایپی Buphthalmum diffusum Vahl
Homotypic synonym/مترادف همتایپی Anthemis abyssinica J.Gay
Homotypic synonym/مترادف همتایپی Eclipta linearis Otto
Homotypic synonym/مترادف همتایپی Eclipta erecta var. latifolia Willd.
Homotypic synonym/مترادف همتایپی Cotula debilis Balb.
(1907). Proceedings of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences 42: Synonym/مترادف Spilanthes acmella var. lanceolata (Link ex Spreng.) A.H.Moore, 1907
L. (1774). In: Murray, Syst. Veg. Ed. 13. Heterotypic synonym/مترادف هتروتیپی Spilanthes pseudoacmella (L.) L.
Synonym/مترادف Eclipta erecta subsp. brachypoda (Michx.) Torr. & A.Gray
Synonym/مترادف Eclipta procumbens subsp. brachypoda (Michx.) A.Gray

Plants Gene

Gene ID type Description Chromosomes Genomic Accession Version
psbA PROTEIN_CODING PsbA Plastid: chloroplast NC_039774.1
ycf1 PROTEIN_CODING Ycf1 Plastid: chloroplast NC_039774.1
trnK-UUU tRNA tRNA-Lys Plastid: chloroplast NC_039774.1
trnH-GUG tRNA tRNA-His Plastid: chloroplast NC_039774.1
rpl2 PROTEIN_CODING ribosomal protein L2 Plastid: chloroplast NC_039774.1
rps12 PROTEIN_CODING ribosomal protein S12 Plastid: chloroplast NC_039774.1
rps12 PROTEIN_CODING ribosomal protein S12 Plastid: chloroplast NC_039774.1
rpl23 PROTEIN_CODING ribosomal protein L23 Plastid: chloroplast NC_039774.1
ycf2 PROTEIN_CODING Ycf2 Plastid: chloroplast NC_039774.1
ndhB PROTEIN_CODING NdhB Plastid: chloroplast NC_039774.1
rps7 PROTEIN_CODING ribosomal protein S7 Plastid: chloroplast NC_039774.1
rrn16 rRNA 16S ribosomal RNA Plastid: chloroplast NC_039774.1
rrn23 rRNA 23S ribosomal RNA Plastid: chloroplast NC_039774.1
rrn4.5 rRNA 4.5S ribosomal RNA Plastid: chloroplast NC_039774.1
rrn5 rRNA 5S ribosomal RNA Plastid: chloroplast NC_039774.1
rps15 PROTEIN_CODING ribosomal protein S15 Plastid: chloroplast NC_039774.1
trnS-GCU tRNA tRNA-Ser Plastid: chloroplast NC_039774.1
ndhH PROTEIN_CODING NdhH Plastid: chloroplast NC_039774.1
ndhA PROTEIN_CODING NdhA Plastid: chloroplast NC_039774.1
ndhI PROTEIN_CODING NdhI Plastid: chloroplast NC_039774.1
ndhG PROTEIN_CODING NdhG Plastid: chloroplast NC_039774.1
ndhE PROTEIN_CODING NdhE Plastid: chloroplast NC_039774.1
psaC PROTEIN_CODING PsaC Plastid: chloroplast NC_039774.1
ndhD PROTEIN_CODING NdhD Plastid: chloroplast NC_039774.1
ccsA PROTEIN_CODING CcsA Plastid: chloroplast NC_039774.1
rpl32 PROTEIN_CODING ribosomal protein L32 Plastid: chloroplast NC_039774.1
ndhF PROTEIN_CODING NdhF Plastid: chloroplast NC_039774.1
ycf1 PROTEIN_CODING Ycf1 Plastid: chloroplast NC_039774.1
rrn5 rRNA 5S ribosomal RNA Plastid: chloroplast NC_039774.1
rrn4.5 rRNA 4.5S ribosomal RNA Plastid: chloroplast NC_039774.1
rrn23 rRNA 23S ribosomal RNA Plastid: chloroplast NC_039774.1
trnQ-UUG tRNA tRNA-Gln Plastid: chloroplast NC_039774.1
trnC-GCA tRNA tRNA-Cys Plastid: chloroplast NC_039774.1
rps7 PROTEIN_CODING ribosomal protein S7 Plastid: chloroplast NC_039774.1
trnP-UGG tRNA tRNA-Pro Plastid: chloroplast NC_039774.1
trnL-CAA tRNA tRNA-Leu Plastid: chloroplast NC_039774.1
trnV-GAC tRNA tRNA-Val Plastid: chloroplast NC_039774.1
trnI-GAU tRNA tRNA-Ile Plastid: chloroplast NC_039774.1
trnA-UGC tRNA tRNA-Ala Plastid: chloroplast NC_039774.1
trnR-ACG tRNA tRNA-Arg Plastid: chloroplast NC_039774.1
trnN-GUU tRNA tRNA-Asn Plastid: chloroplast NC_039774.1
trnL-UAG tRNA tRNA-Leu Plastid: chloroplast NC_039774.1
trnN-GUU tRNA tRNA-Asn Plastid: chloroplast NC_039774.1
trnR-ACG tRNA tRNA-Arg Plastid: chloroplast NC_039774.1
trnA-UGC tRNA tRNA-Ala Plastid: chloroplast NC_039774.1
trnI-GAU tRNA tRNA-Ile Plastid: chloroplast NC_039774.1
trnV-GAC tRNA tRNA-Val Plastid: chloroplast NC_039774.1
trnL-CAA tRNA tRNA-Leu Plastid: chloroplast NC_039774.1
trnI-CAU tRNA tRNA-Ile Plastid: chloroplast NC_039774.1
trnW-CCA tRNA tRNA-Trp Plastid: chloroplast NC_039774.1