دیدن زیبایی و لذت دانستن از گیاهان ایران زمین

باشگاه شبکه گیاهی ایران

شبکه گیاهی ایران

گیاه: Amaranthaceae| Amaranthus blitum|

Amaranthus blitum L.
نیمه ‌گرمسیری
شمال شرقی آرژانتین، شمال غربی آرژانتین، بولیوی، شمال شرقی برزیل، جنوب برزیل، جنوب شرقی برزیل، مرکز غربی برزیل، شمال شیلی، پاراگوئه، پرو، اروگوئه

اطلاعات سایت GBIF

نام علمی Amaranthus blitum L.
وضعیت نام گونه Accepted/پذیرفته شده
مترادف نام این گونه مورد تایید است.
فرمانرو Plantae
شاخه Tracheophyta
رده Magnoliopsida
راسته Caryophyllales
تیره Amaranthaceae
سرده Amaranthus
گونه مورد تایید Amaranthus blitum
نقشه پراکنش در ایران نقشه

Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew

Amaranthus blitum
L. Amaranthus blitum
این گونه مورد تایید است.
Amaranthus blitum
Amaranthus blitum
Moq. Amaranthus blitum
این گونه مترادف Amaranthus viridis است.
Moq. Amaranthus blitum
این گونه مترادف Amaranthus graecizans subsp. graecizans است.

گونه های مترادف گزارش شده در سایت GBIF

منتشر شده در وضعیت نام گونه نام گونه
Cav. (1803). In: Elench. Pl. Hort. Matrit. 16. Synonym/مترادف Glomeraria oleracea (L.) Cav.
Cav. (1803). In: Elench. Pl. Hort. Matrit. 16. Synonym/مترادف Glomeraria livida (L.) Cav.
Cav. (1803). In: Elench. Pl. Hort. Matrit. 16. Synonym/مترادف Glomeraria blitum (L.) Cav.
Raf. (1836). In: Fl. Tellur. 3: 42. Synonym/مترادف Pentrius oleraceus (L.) Raf.
Moq. (n.d.). In: Prodr. Synonym/مترادف Euxolus viridis var. ascendens (Loisel.) Moq.
Seub. (1875). In: Mart., Fl. Bras. 5(1): 234. Synonym/مترادف Euxolus oleraceus var. obtusiflorus Seub.
Moq. (n.d.). In: Prodr. Synonym/مترادف Euxolus lividus var. oblongifolius Moq.
Gren. (1869). In: Mém. Soc. Emul. Doubs Ser 4 5: 652. Synonym/مترادف Euxolus blitum (L.) Gren.
Hara, H. (1938). In: J. Jap. Bot. 14(5): 335-336. Synonym/مترادف Euxolus ascendens (Loisel.) H.Hara
Krause, E. H. L. (1915). In: Beih. Bot. Centralbl. 33(2): 481. Synonym/مترادف Euxolus alius E.H.L.Krause
L. (1753). In: Sp. Pl. 990. Heterotypic synonym/مترادف هتروتیپی Amaranthus lividus L.
Loisel. (1810). In: Not. Fl. France: 141. Synonym/مترادف Amaranthus ascendens Loisel.
L. (1763). In: Sp. Pl. Ed. 2: 1403. Heterotypic synonym/مترادف هتروتیپی Amaranthus oleraceus L.
Dulac. (1867). In: Fl. Hautes-Pyr. 174. Synonym/مترادف Amaranthus diffusus Dulac
Poir. (1810). In: Lam., Encycl., Suppl. 1: 311. Synonym/مترادف Amaranthus circinnatus Poir.
Kunth. (1823). In: Fl. Berol., Ed. 2, 2: 144. Synonym/مترادف Albersia oleracea (L.) Kunth
Kunth. (1838). In: Fl. Berol. Ed. II. 144. Synonym/مترادف Albersia livida (L.) Kunth
Hook. fil. (1885). In: Fl. Brit. India 4: 721. Synonym/مترادف Albersia blitum var. oleraceus (L.) Hook.fil.
Fourr. (1869). In: Ann. Soc. Linn. Lyon, n.s. 17: 142. Synonym/مترادف Albersia ascendens (Loisel.) Fourr.
Schur. (1866). In: Enum. Pl. Transsilv.: 566. Synonym/مترادف Albersia arenaria Schur
Costea. (2001). In: Sida 19(4): 984. Synonym/مترادف Amaranthus blitum subsp. oleraceus (L.) Costea
DC. (1813). In: Cat. Pl. Horti Monsp.: 4. Synonym/مترادف Amaranthus blitum var. ascendens (Loisel.) DC.
St.-Lag. (1880). In: Ann. Soc. Bot. Lyon 7: 119. Synonym/مترادف Amaranthus blitonius St.-Lag.
Seidl ex Opiz. (1823). In: Böhm. Phan. Crypt. Gew.: 164. Synonym/مترادف Amaranthus berchtoldii Seidl ex Opiz
Thell. (1953). In: Agrártud. Egyet. Kert- Szölögazdaságtud. Karának Évk. 2: 221. Synonym/مترادف Amaranthus ascendens var. oleraceus (L.) Thell. ex Priszter
Krause, E. H. L. (1915). In: Beih. Bot. Centralbl. 33(2): 481. Synonym/مترادف Amaranthus alius E.H.L.Krause
Moq. (n.d.). In: Prodr. Synonym/مترادف Pyxidium oleraceum (L.) Moq.
Moq. (n.d.). In: Prodr. Proparte synonym Pyxidium graecizans Moq.
Fisch. ex Moq. (n.d.). In: Prodr. Synonym/مترادف Amaranthus tenuiflorus Fisch. ex Moq.
Koch ex Moq. (n.d.). In: Prodr. Synonym/مترادف Amaranthus ruderalis Koch ex Moq.
Bastard, T. (1809). In: Essai Fl. Maine Et Loire: 344, Nom. Illeg. Synonym/مترادف Amaranthus prostratus T.Bastard
Besser. (1816). In: Cat. Jard. Bot. Krzemieniec: 9. Synonym/مترادف Amaranthus olitorius Besser
Gromov ex Trautv. (1884). In: Trudy Imp. S.-Peterburgsk. Bot. Sada 9: 139. Synonym/مترادف Amaranthus officinalis Gromov ex Trautv.
Kov. (1978). In: Nauch. Trud. Vissh Selskostop. Inst. Plovdiv 23(1): 50. Synonym/مترادف Amaranthus obtusiflorus (Mart.) Kov.
Fl. Ryukyus, ed. 2 47, without basionym ref. 1994 Synonym/مترادف Amaranthus lividus f. rubens (Moq.) Hatus., 1994
Hayw., Druce. (1919). In: Advent. Fl. Tweedside: 177. Synonym/مترادف Amaranthus lividus var. ascendens (Loisel.) Hayw. & Druce
Moench. (1794). In: Methodus 359. Synonym/مترادف Blitum oleraceum (L.) Moench
Scop. (1771). In: Fl. Carniol. Ed. II. 2: 237. Synonym/مترادف Blitum maius Scop.
Moench. (1794). In: Methodus 359. Synonym/مترادف Blitum lividum (L.) Moench
Kuntze. (1891). In: Revis. Gen. Pl. 2: 541. Synonym/مترادف Amaranthus graecizans var. blitum (L.) Kuntze
Kunth. (1838). In: Fl. Berol. 2: 144. Synonym/مترادف Albersia blitum (L.) Kunth
Moq. (n.d.). In: Prodr. Synonym/مترادف Euxolus oleraceus (L.) Moq.
Moq. (n.d.). In: Prodr. Synonym/مترادف Euxolus lividus (L.) Moq.
Synonym/مترادف Amaranthus lividus subsp. lividus
Gray. (n.d.). In: Nat. Arr. Brit. Pl. 2: 289 (1821 Publ. 1822). Heterotypic synonym/مترادف هتروتیپی Amaranthus minor Gray
Beih. Bot. Centralbl., 33: 481, 1915 Synonym/مترادف Amaranthus alius K.Krause
Synonym/مترادف Albersia viridis
Wacht. (1934). In: Henkels, Geill. Schoolfl. Nederl. Ed. 11: 169. Synonym/مترادف Amaranthus lividus subsp. ascendens (Loisel.) Wacht.
Wall. (1832). In: Numer. List No. 6893 (1829) Ex Roxb., Fl. Ind. 3: 602. Proparte synonym Amaranthus tenuifolius Wall.
Thell. (1912). In: Fl. Adv. Montpellier: 215. Synonym/مترادف Amaranthus lividus var. ascendens (Loisel.) Thell.
Soó. (1964). In: Acta Bot. Acad. Sci. Hung. 10: 376. Synonym/مترادف Amaranthus lividus subsp. oleraceus (L.) Soó
Synonym/مترادف Amaranthus emarginatus Salzm. ex Moq.
All. (1785). In: Fl. Pedem. 2: 19, Nom. Illeg. Heterotypic synonym/مترادف هتروتیپی Amaranthus viridis All.
Fl. Orient. [Boissier] 4(2): 991. 1879 [Apr-May 1879] Heterotypic synonym/مترادف هتروتیپی Albersia oleracea (L.) Boiss., 1879
Rodschied ex F. Dietr. (1824). In: Vollst. Lex. Gärtn., Ed. 2, 1: 196 Non L. 175 بیشتر ... Heterotypic synonym/مترادف هتروتیپی Amaranthus albus Rodschied ex F.Dietr.
Hook. fil. (1885). In: Fl. Brit. India 4: 721, Nom. Illeg. Synonym/مترادف Amaranthus lividus Hook.fil.
Schübl., G. Martens. (1834). In: Fl. Würtemberg: 610. Synonym/مترادف Amaranthus blitum subsp. ascendens (Loisel.) Schübl. & G.Martens
Thell. (1912). In: Fl. Adv. Montpellier: 215. Synonym/مترادف Amaranthus lividus var. oleraceus (L.) Thell.
Poir. (1810). In: Lam., Encycl., Suppl. 1: 311. Heterotypic synonym/مترادف هتروتیپی Amaranthus mucronatus Poir.
Hook. fil. (1885). In: Fl. Brit. India 4: 721. Synonym/مترادف Amaranthus blitum var. oleraceus (L.) Hook.fil.
Geill. Schoolfl. Nederl., ed. 11: 169, 1934 Synonym/مترادف Amaranthus lividus subsp. ascendens (Loisel.) Heukels
Med. Bem. Kol. Rio Essequebo, 24, 1794 Synonym/مترادف Amaranthus oleraceus Rodschied
Wall. (1832). In: Numer. List: No. 6896, Nom. Nud. Heterotypic synonym/مترادف هتروتیپی Amaranthus gangeticus Wall.
P. Fourn. (1935). In: Quatre Fl. France: 262. Synonym/مترادف Amaranthus ascendens var. oleraceus (L.) P.Fourn.
Homotypic synonym/مترادف همتایپی Amaranthus tenuiflorus Fisch.
Homotypic synonym/مترادف همتایپی Amaranthus ascendens var. oleraceus (L.) Thell.
Homotypic synonym/مترادف همتایپی Amaranthus ruderalis Koch
Homotypic synonym/مترادف همتایپی Amaranthus berchtoldii Seidl
Synonym/مترادف Amaranthus polygonoides Zoll.
Homotypic synonym/مترادف همتایپی Amaranthus officinalis Gromov
Homotypic synonym/مترادف همتایپی Amaranthus albus Rodschied
Hatus. (1994). In: Hatus. & T. Amano, Fl. Ryukyus, S. of Amami Is., Ed. 2: 47. Synonym/مترادف Amaranthus blitum f. rubens (Moq.) Hatus.
Synonym/مترادف Galliaria ascendens (Loisel.) Bubani, 1897
Letz. (2016). In: Fl. Slovenska 6(4): 723, 111. Synonym/مترادف Amaranthus blitum f. lividus (L.) Letz
Synonym/مترادف Euxolus oleraceus DC.
Synonym/مترادف Amaranthus lividus subsp. polygonoides (Moq.) Thellung
Synonym/مترادف Euxolus lividus A.DC.
Hegi. (1910). In: 265. Synonym/مترادف Amaranthus viridis f. ascendens (Loisel.) Hegi
Hegi. (1910). In: 265. Synonym/مترادف Amaranthus viridis f. erectus (Froelich) Hegi
Hegi. (1910). In: 265. Synonym/مترادف Amaranthus viridis f. purpureus (Moq.) Hegi
Gaudin. (1830). In: Fl. Helv. 6: 147. Synonym/مترادف Amaranthus blitum f. prostratus Gaudin
Moq. (n.d.). In: Prodr. Synonym/مترادف Euxolus viridis var. purpurascens Moq.
Gaudin. (1830). In: Fl. Helv. 6: 147. Synonym/مترادف Amaranthus blitum var. procumbens Gaudin
Moq. (n.d.). In: Prodr. Synonym/مترادف Euxolus viridis var. rubens Moq.
Heukels. (1934). In: Geill. Schoolfl. Nederl.: 169. Synonym/مترادف Amaranthus blitum subsp. ascendens (Loisel.) Heukels
DC. (1815). In: Lam. & A. DC., Fl. Franç., Éd. 3 6: 375. Synonym/مترادف Amaranthus prostratus var. subascendens DC.
Rchb. (1827). In: Iconogr. Bot. Pl. Crit. 1: 44. Synonym/مترادف Amaranthus adscendens Rchb.
Clarke, C. B. (1909). In: Oliv. Et Al. (eds.), Fl. Trop. Afr. 6(1): 34. Synonym/مترادف Amaranthus oleraceus var. maximus C.B.Clarke

Plants Gene

Gene ID type Description Chromosomes Genomic Accession Version
psbA PROTEIN_CODING photosystem II protein D1 Plastid: chloroplast NC_056982.1
rrn16 rRNA 16S ribosomal RNA Plastid: chloroplast NC_056982.1
trnC-GCA tRNA tRNA-Cys Plastid: chloroplast NC_056982.1
trnR-UCU tRNA tRNA-Arg Plastid: chloroplast NC_056982.1
trnG-UCC tRNA tRNA-Gly Plastid: chloroplast NC_056982.1
trnS-GCU tRNA tRNA-Ser Plastid: chloroplast NC_056982.1
trnQ-UUG tRNA tRNA-Gln Plastid: chloroplast NC_056982.1
trnK-UUU tRNA tRNA-Lys Plastid: chloroplast NC_056982.1
clpP PROTEIN_CODING clp protease proteolytic subunit Plastid: chloroplast NC_056982.1
rpl2 PROTEIN_CODING ribosomal protein L2 Plastid: chloroplast NC_056982.1
rpl23 PROTEIN_CODING ribosomal protein L23 Plastid: chloroplast NC_056982.1
rps12 PROTEIN_CODING ribosomal protein S12 Plastid: chloroplast NC_056982.1
rps12 PROTEIN_CODING ribosomal protein S12 Plastid: chloroplast NC_056982.1
ndhB PROTEIN_CODING NADH-plastoquinone oxidoreductase subunit 2 Plastid: chloroplast NC_056982.1
rps7 PROTEIN_CODING ribosomal protein S7 Plastid: chloroplast NC_056982.1
rrn23 rRNA 23S ribosomal RNA Plastid: chloroplast NC_056982.1
trnY-GUA tRNA tRNA-Tyr Plastid: chloroplast NC_056982.1
rrn4.5 rRNA 4.5S ribosomal RNA Plastid: chloroplast NC_056982.1
rrn5 rRNA 5S ribosomal RNA Plastid: chloroplast NC_056982.1
rps15 PROTEIN_CODING ribosomal protein S15 Plastid: chloroplast NC_056982.1
ndhH PROTEIN_CODING NADH-plastoquinone oxidoreductase subunit 7 Plastid: chloroplast NC_056982.1
ndhA PROTEIN_CODING NADH-plastoquinone oxidoreductase subunit 1 Plastid: chloroplast NC_056982.1
ndhI PROTEIN_CODING NADH-plastoquinone oxidoreductase subunit I Plastid: chloroplast NC_056982.1
ndhG PROTEIN_CODING NADH-plastoquinone oxidoreductase subunit 6 Plastid: chloroplast NC_056982.1
ndhE PROTEIN_CODING NADH-plastoquinone oxidoreductase subunit 4L Plastid: chloroplast NC_056982.1
psaC PROTEIN_CODING photosystem I subunit VII Plastid: chloroplast NC_056982.1
ndhD PROTEIN_CODING NADH-plastoquinone oxidoreductase subunit 4 Plastid: chloroplast NC_056982.1
ccsA PROTEIN_CODING cytochrome c heme attachment protein Plastid: chloroplast NC_056982.1
rpl32 PROTEIN_CODING ribosomal protein L32 Plastid: chloroplast NC_056982.1
ndhF PROTEIN_CODING NADH-plastoquinone oxidoreductase subunit 5 Plastid: chloroplast NC_056982.1
rrn5 rRNA 5S ribosomal RNA Plastid: chloroplast NC_056982.1
trnD-GUC tRNA tRNA-Asp Plastid: chloroplast NC_056982.1
trnE-UUC tRNA tRNA-Glu Plastid: chloroplast NC_056982.1
rrn23 rRNA 23S ribosomal RNA Plastid: chloroplast NC_056982.1
trnV-GAC tRNA tRNA-Val Plastid: chloroplast NC_056982.1
ycf2 PROTEIN_CODING hypothetical protein RF2 Plastid: chloroplast NC_056982.1
trnL-CAA tRNA tRNA-Leu Plastid: chloroplast NC_056982.1
trnV-GAC tRNA tRNA-Val Plastid: chloroplast NC_056982.1
trnI-GAU tRNA tRNA-Ile Plastid: chloroplast NC_056982.1
trnA-UGC tRNA tRNA-Ala Plastid: chloroplast NC_056982.1
trnR-ACG tRNA tRNA-Arg Plastid: chloroplast NC_056982.1
trnN-GUU tRNA tRNA-Asn Plastid: chloroplast NC_056982.1
ycf1 PROTEIN_CODING hypothetical protein RF1 Plastid: chloroplast NC_056982.1
trnL-UAG tRNA tRNA-Leu Plastid: chloroplast NC_056982.1
trnN-GUU tRNA tRNA-Asn Plastid: chloroplast NC_056982.1
trnR-ACG tRNA tRNA-Arg Plastid: chloroplast NC_056982.1
trnA-UGC tRNA tRNA-Ala Plastid: chloroplast NC_056982.1
trnI-GAU tRNA tRNA-Ile Plastid: chloroplast NC_056982.1
trnL-CAA tRNA tRNA-Leu Plastid: chloroplast NC_056982.1
trnT-GGU tRNA tRNA-Thr Plastid: chloroplast NC_056982.1


گونه ثبت شده در مستندات تعداد کروموزوم گامتیک تعداد کروموزوم سوماتیکی رویشگاه گیاه
Amaranthus blitum L. 17 Tehran, Mashhad
Aellen, P. (1972). Flora iranica 91: 1-19. Akademische Druck- u. Verlagsanstalt, Graz.
Nowak, A. & Nobis, M. (eds.) (2020). Illustrated Flora of Tajikistan and adjacent areas 1: 1-366. PAN, Polish academy of sciences.
B.A.Fedtschenko & al. (1948). Flora Turkmenii 3: 1-280. Turkmenskoe gosudarstvennoe izd., Ashkhabad.
Korovin, E.P. & Vvedensky, A.I. (eds.) (1953). Flora uzbekistana 2: 1-547. Izd-va Akademii nauk Uzbekskoi SSR, Tashkent.